The router will forward any message it receives to the game's cloud function.

Example message sent to a game cloud function:

   "actionId": "cfd2ee7e-270d-4be9-903b-0114b0a0bf08",
   "name": "authenticate",
   "environment": "development",
   "operatorId": "72c43a89-585e-4cf9-8fab-dcc1740eec40",
   "gameId": "72c43a89-585e-4cf9-8fab-dcc1740eec40",
   "playerId": "566dd8dd-836c-40c1-afeb-dc930ddfac4f",
   "gameSession": "",
   "messagesDeviceToken": "",
   "wsToken": "b189f70a-4bc4-4a1d-9be5-3058122cb0cf",
   "extra": {
      "age": "0",
      "siteId": "1",
      "platform": "web",
      "currency": "DKK"
   "messageTimestamp": 123131232221412,
   "token": "aa2108de-9cfc-484d-a58f-a77e6b4989d6",
   "mode": "Money",
   //Added by the Router
   "server_variables": [
     { "autospinEnabled": true },
     { "spinDelay": 3 }
   "client_variables": [
   	 { "autospinEnabled": true },
     { "spinDelay": 3 }

The field names server_variables and client_variables are reserved by the Router and will be overwritten.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!